
Saturday, 4 May 2024

Minwear Wood this morning

Has anyone seen/heard a wood warbler at Minwear yet this spring?  

Having failed to see or hear one there during a BBS first visit earlier in the week we decided to have another look this morning, covering all the  areas we have often seen or heard them in previous springs. Alas no joy! Perhaps they are just late arriving there this spring. We did not have time to look at Canaston Wood unfortunately, but hopefully there are some over there.

Most woodland birds were generally fairly quiet this morning, although mistle thrushes were in good voice as were drumming great spotted woodpeckers. There were a few garden warblers in full song in usual scrubby zones and a few tree pipits were also seen. Surprisingly none were heard singing this morning but nest-building was in full swing at one location. 

Nest building in earnest - dry grasses being collected