
Sunday, 12 May 2024

Saturday 11th May - Dale & Marloes area

After a late(ish) night Aurora watching from St Ishmaels on Friday, Lisa & I uncharacteristically made an early start on Saturday morning and spent most of the day birding the peninsula (with a breakfast stop at Runwayskiln and an ice cream stop at Lockley Lodge!).  Highlights included:

Gann - singing Lesser Whitethroat & Cetti's Warbler, waders included Sanderling (1), Redshank (1)Dunlin (27) and Ringed Plover (21).  A pair of Shelduck at the Jubilee end, look to have failed their nesting attempt.  A Great Northern Diver out in the bay was unseasonal.

Dale Airfield - Whimbrel (7), a single Ringed Plover & a Spotted Flycatcher.

Marloes Mere - drake Garganey, drake & 2 female Wigeon, pair of Teal, 2 Red Kites, Lesser Redpoll over & a single Black-tailed Godwit up to its belly in water.

Martin's Haven /  Deer Park - at least 23 Red Kites which drifted and kettled their way over to Skomer, some seen heading back east along the northern side of the peninsula (all those seen well were immature birds in wing moult). Checked all the Wheatears between Gateholm and Deer Park but failed to find any sporting Skokholm colour-rings.  We returned to the Deer Park at dusk hoping for more Aurora fun, no luck but the sound of Manx Shearwaters wafting across Jack Sound (& a few over the peninsula) was wonderful.

(Dave & Lisa)

Great views of Lesser Whitethroat at the Gann

Ringed Plover on Dale Airfield

Chough very much in evidence on the peninsula

Stonechats at regular intervals on the coastal strip

Aurora Borealis over St Ishmaels just before midnight 10/5/24