
Wednesday 26 June 2024

Wood Warblers

Further to previous posts on this species, it does look we may have lost Wood Warbler as a breeding species in Pembrokeshire.  Perhaps no surprise given the decline from around 250 singing males recorded  in previous surveys in 1984-88 and then 100 in 2003-07.  Interestingly Steve Woolfended recorded 2 singing males at Minwear, close to the NRW car park, on 26th April.  The only sighting from this former stronghold in 2024?

Highlights of another day guiding around North Pembrokeshire yesterday (Tuesday) included 2 Black Guillemots in Fishguard Harbour, 3 Whinchats, a Grasshopper Warbler and several Lesser Redpoll at Brynberian, 2 Willow Tits, 3 Spotted Flycatchers and 8 Crossbill at Ty Rhyg, a Goshawk near Maenclochog, and 2 Tree Pipits at Minwear.