Saturday 28 April 2018

Green Heron, Llanmill

When Pete H, Toby's mum and dad and I first arrived and were kindly shown around by Mr and Mrs Hart, we found the heron sat high in a tree beside the larger lake (close to the spot where it had been originally found). It seemed settled but then rather unexpectedly took flight and flew 100m towards the house. Thankfully it descended and appeared to drop into the area of a smaller overgrown pond beside Mr and Mrs Harts home. Mike and Kathy arrived together with a few others and we all spent an anxious 30 minutes scanning the area before the sharp eyes of Mike Y-P and Richard D picked it out, barely visible amongst some reed mace and flag iris. From then on it showed pretty well for quite a gathering of birders, sometimes perching on overhanging branches or on lower vantage points where it could snatch the occasional roach or rudd. Thank you to Simon and Abigail for their hospitality. And to Kevin Phelps for showing me the way.