From Woody and Wanda Woodward - Our regular walk today at Westfield Pill was noticable by the abscence of smaller birds. No sign or sound of any Goldcrests (we normally see or hear a few) and no long tailed tits or Wrens either.
However a good show of Dunnocks (at least 12 along the length), a pair of Teal by the weir, where we also heard a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming. We saw the blue flash of the Kingfisher at the far end as he went across the water . All three Heron there and 8 Little Grebe. Resident (?) Canda Goose still there.
From Dean Maiden - I didn’t really need to sit there for the whole hour as the usual suspects visited the garden backing onto the rugby ground in Pembroke Dock. Robin, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Greenfinch, Starling and undoubtedly king was the Chaffinch with up to 16 at a time. Very pleasant to see the return of a Redwing (up to 30 in the rugby field behind the house) in the garden but highlight for me was the lone female Blackcap. Feeding on the fat feeders we haven’t seen her for a while.