Saturday, 11 September 2010

Little Stint, Curlew Sand,& warblers -- Teifi

c12:00, 1 Juvenile Little Stint, 1 juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 4 Sanderling, c42+ Ringed Plover, c30+ Dunlin, 3 Turnstone. 1 Sandwich Tern on a buoy. 3/4+ Wheatears on Patch too.

A Ringing Workshop held this morning was a successful venture, 8 particpants enjoyed the ageing, sexing, moult, fattening & other bird features we study in the hand.
Nuthatch, 4 Reed Warblers, 16 Blackcaps, 12 Chiffchaffs, the more interesting species studied.
(Teifi RG)