Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Pectoral Sandpiper - Castlemartin Range

Peter Hughes, who works on Castlemartin Range happened to be in just the right place at the right time late yesterday morning when a flock of about a dozen small unidentified waders flew in off the stormy sea nr St Govan's Chapel. At about the same time a single wader landed on the coast track at a large puddle just west of the Chapel. Not being certain of its identity Peter took some photos and telephoned me to see if I could confirm his initial id of a Pectoral Sandpiper. Unfortunately the bird had flown off inland after about 30 mins of feeding around the small pool but his excellent images were confirmation enough of a Pec Sand. Perhaps it is now somewhere on Pembroke River or elsewhere in the estuary complex?

What of the other waders he saw at this time flying inland at Castlemartin - we don't know, perhaps there are other Pec Sands around too?