Common Scoter 16 (1 female)
Arctic Skua 1 (Dk)
Bonxie 2
Puffin 1
Sandwich Tern 6
Common Tern 1
Black Tern 1
Balearic Shearwater 1
Chough 3 (no rings)
Kestrel 2
Common Buzzard 1
The was a steady movement of hirundines, almost all swallows with the occasional house martin and one or two sand martin. Other small bird migration was visible and regular, mainly finches. There was a flock of c60 linnet present.
A pod of c12 Common Dolphin, one of which was a very small calf, was active for about 45 minutes in the tide race under feeding gannets. Once the dolphins had gone, porpoises appeared and were showing well.