A couple of ringing sessions in the Marsh in the last 36 hours, resulted in 10 Sedge, & 15 Reed Warblers. This morning Chiffs & Blackcaps still in double figures, at the CES site.
In the Mallard net site this morning, Wendy and I were noting the variation in wing length of these Reed warblers, (61-68mm) a big difference in primary length between individuals.
This morning as Skomer, Grey Wagtail passage c10 over.
Also 2 Stock Doves.
(Teifi RG)
This evening, c300 Swallows over the Marsh, also 2 Water Rails, & c40 Teal at Creek Hide.
Around the estuary c4 Greenshank, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, & 8 Bar-tailed Godwits the best.