Monday, 11 October 2010

Barred Warbler -- Strumble

A few chats were hanging about above /around the lighthouse car park after I had been watching seals with some Sea Trust volunteers. I had a feeling something might be about and was mooching around when something flitted into a gorse patch .
It was silhouetted in the lowering sunshine, so I tried to outflank it. As I did so, it cut across into another gorse patch. I worked my way round and saw something and shot it... a hedge sparrow! (hehe eh GHR!)
Luckily another "it" popped up onto a burnt branch fleetingly and I shot again but it took off as I shot. I thought I saw a white throat and some grey but wasnt entirely sure what I had seen, as it flew off into some dense gorse along the fenceline.
Having got home I sorted out a few things and then fired up the computer and found this on the memory card...
It was about 5 pm when I saw it and 6 pm by the time I sorted the picture so sorry folks, not really any realistic chance of getting anyone there!