Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Grassholm Today

We made our annual visit to Grassholm to cut free tangled juveniles today. Perfect weather for it. 56 juvs cut free in total, plus 3 adults. Thanks to Chris and Dave from Skomer for their help, also Mick Brown and Sean. Special thanks to Tim and Beth from Venture Jet for landing us safely and helping with the task.

Other birds present were redwing (2), raven (1), peregrine (2), oystercatcher (4), starling (20), goldcrest (6), blackbird (2), turnstone (3), blackcap (1), robin (2), song thrush (1), chiffchaff (2), GBB gull (100+), chaffinch (3), dunnock (1), skylark (1), goldfinch (1) and rock pipit (6)