Monday, 1 November 2010

Marloes peninsular

Still large flocks of Chaffinches and Starlings moving around the fields and hedgerows: yesterday I was lucky enough to find a Brambling very close to the road mixed in with the Chaffinches. Groups of 10-20 Skylarks are also numerous.

This morning on the fields to the South of Marloes Mere there were 2 female/immature Kestrels and a female Merlin. On the Mere itself a fantastically-marked immature Hen Harrier, with very rufous underparts and barred wing tips. It put up astonishingly large numbers of snipe as it quartered the Mere: at one stage there was a tight flock of 30+ circling high overhead, and still more flushing out from either side of the Harrier's parth: a wonderful sight.