Sunday, 21 November 2010

Surf, & Velvet Scoters to Dowrog

Fishguard Harbour:-
The adult female Surf Scoter showed well for almost all! who attempted today, best viewed from Fishguard Fort.
1 moulting adult Great Northern Diver in the harbour too.

Broad Haven-North;-
From the coast path north of the haven, 3 Velvet Scoter associating with a pair of Tufted Duck, staying slightly further out than the flock of c120 Common Scoter, all birds drifting north.
From Haroldston Chins;-
Presumably the same 3, but with 2 more Velvet Scoter closer than the flock of now c70 Common Scoter.
10 Wigeon on the sea, 1 Merlin over the marsh.
(Rich D, Janet, Karen)

Dowrog Common;-
Post conference enthusiasm & visitors with 8 pairs of bins !! viewing from an early 3pm to 5pm- the last to leave. 1 Male Hen Harrier putting on an excellent display on & off for 30 mins, including coming towards & crossing the road. A 2nd male dropping into the roost and 2 maybe 3 ring-tails, 1 obviously smaller.
1 Merlin & 1 Kestrel.