Still good numbers of birds at Kilpaison this morning 09:00 - 10:00 as the tide dropped. Bar Tailed Godwit 31, Dunlin 300+, Ringed Plover 15, Grey Plover 2, Redshank 10, Knot 8, Brent Geese 30 (including the dark bellied bird), Wigeon 500+, Pochard 2, Gadwall 4. A Buzzard flying over the beach caused a bit of havoc.
Round at Angle Harbour Dunlin c.90, Redshank 12, Grey Plover 2, Curlew 8, Shoveller 2 and a Sparrowhawk having a go at the Starlings.
Back home in St Florence 2 Brambling in the garden. Along the Ritec the Green Sandpiper still present along with a Water Rail, 6 Snipe and a Grey Wagtail.