Thursday, 9 December 2010

Castlemartin Range - new access trail

Noted DA's reference to Range Access (Western Telegraph article). The new 24/7 route runs along the inland boundary of the Range. If setting off from the east, it can be picked up off the minor road connecting with the track running passed Bosherston Quarry. The path starts just south of Carew Farm. From there it skirts along the Range boundary, passed Merrion Camp (on the roadside verge) and on towards Warren Tower. It then follows a route that takes you below Castlemartin village and along the edge of the Range near Chapel Farm close to the B4319 towards Freshwater West, picking up the green lane to Gupton Burrows and back out on to the B4319.

The trail is sign-posted and over time will have more interpretation (including input from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, working to improve shrill carder bee and other bee habitat along parts of its route). Whilst not taking in the coastal route, it does provide an opportunity to see inland parts of the Range previously inaccessible. It is open to walkers, cyclists and horse-riders.

My guess is that at some time some interesting open country species (odd pipits/buntings/waders perhaps) might turn up along the route of this trail. So yes probably worth a walk - but a car at both ends would be worthwhile, unless it is a weekend and you fancy a walk up the Stack Rocks road and back along the coast-path to St Govan's Head/Bosherston.