Saturday, 4 December 2010

Mandarin & .........other sightings

Westfield Pill:-
The female Mandarin sitting on the bank at the rear of the 1st bund beyond the weir. A Sparrowhawk may have done her some serious damage, had a couple of Jays not pursued the hawk.

20 Bar-tailed Godwits, 22 Shelduck, & 1 Little Egret
(Janet & Karen)

From the Flagpoles, 1 adult Med. Gull, then a different adult(white col-ring) Med. Gull later.
From the Fort, a group of 10 Wigeon on the sea, and at least 6 distant divers off Dinas Hd.
Lower Town, a Dipper looking out of place, bobbing on a tyre used to moor boats!

Dunlin c150 in The Patch roost this morning.