Sunday, 19 December 2010

Newport Sun am

An excellent Webs day. At the bridge 52 Teal & 2 Shovelers. Scattered along the estuary 64 Mallard & 158 Wigeon (a record?).
The long stayers - M Gadwall & Goldeneye, 4 Bar T Godwits, including the ringed bird, & the Greenshank & Sanderling.
45 Dunlin but only 11 Ringed Plovers & only 1 Snipe.28 Lapwings.
In the bay 3 Gt Crested Grebes & 3 RT Divers. A small flock of Skylarks on the mud near the boat club.
Gull, Oystercatcher & Redshank numbers down, But earlier Karen had 160 Curlews, 4 Golden Plovers & a Kingfisher.