We are now well into the current cold-snap and there are reports of movements of waterfowl into the area from colder regions. Statutory nature conservation agencies (such as Countryside Council for Wales) are being requested to provide evidence of impacts on waterfowl populations and if the severe weather continues a "statutory wildfowling ban" may be introduced.
If local birders, currently visiting their local estuary/freshwater patches etc, have any observations on the following, these could be valuable:
Condition of waterfowl observed (including evidence of natural mortality). It might be tricky to obtain this kind of detail but if you find any fresh dead birds were they emaciated/thin?
Behaviour of waterfowl (such as seemingly in poor condition/unable to feed/in unusual places, etc).
Condition of waterfowl habitat (e.g. water bodies frozen, or estuary shores/coastline iced).
Such observations from observers who know their local patches and birds well could be invaluable over the next couple of days - and don't forget that the Atlas may need the records of all species seen as well! Thanks Sam and Paddy for your recent tetrad records from SM93 and SN11. With everyone's help many of the gaps will hopefully be filled this winter.
Bob Haycock