Also other birds - 1 Greenshank, 8 Shoveler, c100 Teal, Wigeon, a few Dunlin, 1 Redhead Merganser on the sea, c35 Fieldfare over and a similar amount of Lapwing on the low water line. A male Peregrine made a distant kill - as it flew back overhead towards the coast I could see it was a "blackbird" I was hoping it was a Starling (one less to dominate my feeders) rather than a Blackbird.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Whoopers at the Gann
Also other birds - 1 Greenshank, 8 Shoveler, c100 Teal, Wigeon, a few Dunlin, 1 Redhead Merganser on the sea, c35 Fieldfare over and a similar amount of Lapwing on the low water line. A male Peregrine made a distant kill - as it flew back overhead towards the coast I could see it was a "blackbird" I was hoping it was a Starling (one less to dominate my feeders) rather than a Blackbird.