Friday 26 August 2011

Belated Osprey report

Following Dave A's report, saw an Osprey in a dead tree at Millin Pill yesterday at about 2-00pm. It was on the opposite bank to the viewing point at the end of the path through the wood. It dropped down towards the water and hence out of sight because of the surrounding trees.

Moving to the road bridge below the manse, which is opposite the dead tree, noted it had returned to its perch. As my car was blocking the road could not dawdle but in a short time it twice plunged down the the water where it was not viewable to me, then returned to the tree without any fish. Viewed through binoculars in this limited manner meant I could not be sure it was a juv but its behaviour suggested it was.

If the adult reported earlier carried its fish in to feed this bird it seems likely it would have done so at the nest, assuming there is one nearby. In the past I've walked across the pill at this point at low tide which allows a close view of the woodland. Not fit enough to do this any more perhaps a more rugged watcher might try?

From the archive entries for Ospreys at the E Cleddau, is it possible 2 pairs have attempted to breed this year? Food for thought.