Tuesday 16 August 2011

Cleddau Osprey

Over recent months there have been several reports of one, possibly two, Ospreys on the Cleddau river complex. The photo above was taken by Graham Stephens yesterday.
It seems certain that at least one bird has summered but there have been no reports of nest building or other activity to indicate a breeding attempt. This may in part be due to the remoteness and difficulty of access to many parts of the river. With the breeding season now past the picture is likely to become confused with further reports of Ospreys as migrating birds regularly linger on the Cleddau in the Autumn.
After discussion with local interested parties we have decided to put this information on the Blog and to ask local birders to keep a keen eye out in the area of the Cleddau and report any sightings in to PembsBirds.
Hopefully over the Winter we may be able to announce an initiative to support the breeding of Ospreys in the county, or an increase in our ability to monitor any potential breeding attempt.