Monday 15 August 2011

Kestrel P27

Thanks Clive for reporting kestrel P27 on the blog. It was ringed as one of a brood of 3 not far from where you saw it on 4th July this year. We know absolutely nothing about the survival and dispersal patterns of fledgling kestrels in the county, and the colour ringing is hopefully going to give some clues, so all sightings are gratefully received.

Kestrels showed a slight increase in the number of breeding territories within the county from 22 in 2010 to 26 this year, and altogether 28 chicks were fitted with a yellow colour ring on the left leg, with the letter P and two digits. The increase was due to more pairs inland using the nest boxes put up over the past few years, though one inland pair chose to ignore three nearby boxes and go and nest on an exposed ledge next to a peregrine. They were successful too!