Monday 29 August 2011

Late post --(Strumble) but some good records

Thought you might be interested in my sea-watch at Strumble Head on Friday 26th August from 07.35 to 10.35. During this time I was the only observer.
Sooty Shearwater 1
Balearic Shearwater 1
Common Scoter 64
Oystercatcher 7
Knot 3
Calidrid sp 1 (Dunlin?)
Redshank 13
Whimbrel 5
Bonxie 1
Med Gull 1 1st winter
Little Gull 1 juv
Sandwich Tern 26
Common Tern 1
Arctic Tern 3
Little Tern 1
All of above moving west past sea-watch building, except for Med Gull which was feeding with Kittiwakes in tidal race.
Also a juv Marsh Harrier moved west along coast and 3 Swallows came in off the sea and headed SSE.
Lastly, I was sea watching again on Saturday 27th from 06.40 to 08.30. With so many others present that day I see that you have already have a record of what was seen.
Best wishes,
Peter Cartwright