Tuesday 30 August 2011

Martin's Haven

Good numbers of warblers around in the valley, a mixture of Willow and Chiffchaffs, but still a fair number of Whitethroats, but they are much more skulking at present. Also several White Wagtails amongst the Pied, and plenty of Wheatears on the Deer Park.
As well as a big party of Swallows in the valley (with a couple of House Martins accompanying) we have also had a group of c.30 House Sparrows feeding, roosting and dust bathing. Although they breed up the road at Trehill, we do not normally see many down here.
The other surprise in the valley is the sheer number and range of very freshly fledged birds: Stonechats, Wrens, Robins, Blue Tits and a Great Tit, in many cases with down still falling off them as they fly into the bushes. It's clear why the Sparrowhawks are spending so much time here at present.
Yesterday morning a Heron over, and the big flock of Chough has split up, but there are parties of 6-8 all around the valley, the Trehill fields and on the Deer Park.