Saturday 27 August 2011

Strumble (27 Aug 2011)

Time: 0600 - 1700
Weather: Sunny spells.
Wind: WNW (F5-6)

Sooty Shearwater - 3
Balearic Shearwater - 1
Great Skua - 7
Arctic Skua - 12 (5P, 7D)
Pomarine Skua - 1 (J)
Little Gull - 1 (J)
Mediterranean Gull - 3 (1Ad, 2 J)
Sandwich Tern - 12
Comic Tern - 26
Common Scoter - 32 (3F, 29M)
Puffin - 8
Whimbrel - 25
Knot - 8
Dunlin - 1
Sanderling - 8
Turnstone - 5
Peregrine - 1
Chough - 10

*** Humpback Whale ***
Seen at 1410 for at least 5 mins moving East into bay and breaching. It must have breached (complete breach) at least 8 times. (Lost count in excitement!)
Sunfish - 2
Common Porpoise - Showing quite well late afternoon in reasonable numbers