Sunday 14 August 2011


Over the weekend a Maximum of 6 little egrets at roost opposite the Ferry Inn, St Dogmaels. Also two bar tailed godwits Sat and Sunday ( Moorings). Sunday a.m. 2 Lapwing, 6 Sanderling, 7 Ringed plover, 1 Dunlin and 3 Whimbrel at Popit, 8 Teal and two common sands at the Webley, around the estuary a variety of geese including two snow, two albino canada, a large white (farmyard goose?) and 17 Barnacle.
(John O'Sullivan)

A regular count of c13 Common Sandpipers over the week-end.
1 Green Sandpiper around the marsh as usual.
With a very vocal flock of 3 flying around c8pm, I presume theyeventually settled in front of Heron Hide.