Sunday 30 October 2011

Bits & bobs

The last report I had of the Isabelline Shrike today was 2pm from Trevor, Birdguides has it still there at 3pm, anyone have it later than that? Out and about today quite hard work, as others plenty of Skylarks & Blue Tits moving, a male Blackcap at Dale Fort, 2 Chiffchaffs at St. Bride's, two visits to Marloes Mere produced a ringtail Hen Harrier (Skomer bound at 4.45pm), 2 Pintail, 4 Gadwall, 17 Mallard, 20+ Wigeon, 25+ Teal, 33 Lapwing, a female Blackcap and probably a Garden Warbler (in exactly the same spot as a few days ago).