Sunday 30 October 2011

Little Haven - Mill Haven

Scrub along path full of bird life and fly life. Blue tits seemed to be everywhere. Robins setting up winter territories. Plenty of finches, Chaffinch, Bullfinch and group of 6 Goldfinch. Small groups of Skylarks steadily passing overhead. Large mixed flock of birds 8 Blue Tit, couple of Coal, 9 Long-tailed tits, 2 nuthatch, 2 treecreepers, 2 Goldcrest and 3 Chiffchaffs in the wooded area, 2 Jays same area. Another 2 chiffchaffs and another 2 goldcrest later. 7 Stonechats 'boomeranging' from their perches in pursuit of flies. Pair of Yellowhammers - with a robin competing for the males perch. Crow carrying a frog. Buzzard worming and a group of a dozen or so Meadow pipits in sheepfield above Mill Haven. Peregrine on its lookout. Mill Haven looked full of birds but only gave it a quick scan before heading back.