A dawn to dusk epic with Paul G, started with a superb sunrise at the Gann and plenty of birds: a 1st-year Spoonbill high over west at 9am (presumably the bird seen here in October?), a Brambling over, 35 Meadow Pipits (usual to see 0-5 here!), a pale-bellied Brent, an adult Med Gull, a Knot, a Greenshank, 6 Redshank & a few Reed Buntings and several Skylarks over. On to the airfield and a single Lapland Bunting with a few Skylarks in the central triangle, and nice Short-eared Owl with prey flushed from the tussocky area between the Hookses and the main runway. 2 Redpoll and a Siskin at Dale Fort, and 2 Kestrels at St. Ann's Head. Very quiet in Dale village, so on to Marloes village where more birds but little of note. A long circular walk from Marloes Mere out to the Deer Park and back produced c.80 Lapwing, usual selection of ducks, 10+ Reed Buntings and fleeting glimpses of what was probably a Dartford Warbler on the DP but couldn't confirm it. Whilst here heard of a Barred Warbler at Porth Clais via Birdguides, so after a 20 minute walk back to the car and a 40 minute drive to Porth Clais, we joined others on site and within 5 minutes relocated the bird on the bank above the harbour, opposite the bungalow. It showed well in sunshine for no more than 10 minutes as it worked its way back towards the road which it eventually crossed (heading back towards the sewage works where it was first found) but it was not seen after about 4.05pm. Managed 2 record shots, the rear view at least shows the diagnostic pale fringes to the tertials.