Monday, 23 April 2012
Kestrels - appeal for sightings
As in the last two years there is will be a dedicated effort to survey breeding kestrels in 2012. In the past the survey results have been greatly enhanced by birders reporting kestrel sightings on this blog - something that we are extremely grateful for. So if anyone sees kestrels then we would be really glad to hear about it. Repeat sightings are also very valuable, as they can help locate breeding territories.
The study will lead to an understanding of why this species has become so scarce in the county and produce practical advice and guidelines on its future conservation.
Ceredigion bird blog reported a kestrel that was ringed nr St Justinian in June 2011 (John and Marion's pair) photographed at Ynyslas by Janet Baxter a few days ago. This is the first recorded movement of a Pembrokeshire born kestrel - hopefully the first of many. All the kestrels ringed so far have a single yellow colour-ring on the left leg with three black digits, so if anyone is watching kestrels we would be very pleased to hear of any colour ring sightings too.
Many thanks
Paddy Jenks
Tansy Knight