It is laudable that JB & M are recording migrant Collared Doves and there is a tie up with Ramsey observations. May I draw attention to a pertinent entry in the online Pembrokeshire Avifauna:
Collared Doves were seen flying out to sea towards Ireland during the major expansion period of the 1970s, mostly in flocks of less than ten, although 26 flew over the South Bishop on 7 May 1976. They still visit the offshore islands as far out as the Smalls, particularly in spring, so although present throughout the year there is a dynamic element at work within the population. Closer study might well show our Collared Dove population to be far from stable."
Another entry from the same source indicates an increase in breeding numbers both nationally and locally. Marrying these statements with the nature (possibly a genetic variation) of Collared Doves that triggered its spectacular expansion out of the Orient, should we be surprised that they are still restless?
I hope JB & M's lead will result in others recording the movements of this species in the coming years.