A Hooded Crow at Carn Llidi was the ninth sighting at the Head (eight by me) since December 21st. It's tempting to make these a single bird but I've made in excess of 60 visits in that time and others have visited too and it's hard to believe it has been missed so much if it is regularly present. So maybe it just visits from elsewhere? but then where are the other records? Just one or two on the Islands that I'm aware of. Or maybe there has been more than one bird. I suppose it's unknowable. A group of about 10 Redpolls were buzzing about Whitesands, mostly Lessers I think (quality of pics not good but getting used to new camera). One did stand out as being quite robust and much brighter, a possible 'Mealy' (not photographed) particularly pale and frosty around the head where the Lessers were consistently dark.
Following recent posts, there have been two or three Cuckoos present for the last few days. Collared Doves have moved through, though in small numbers at the back of Whitesands Bay. There was, however, one trapped by two Sparrowhawks in the Porthmelgan withies.