Friday 31 August 2012

Angle Area

As I stepped out of the car at Kilpaison this morning there was a small group of waders on the shore line with the tide just starting to drop. Just as I was setting up the tripod with some photos in mind there was a loud "woomph" as a Peregrine hurtled past some 20 feet over my head, went over the beach and scattered the waders! Still, they did return after 5 mins or so and settled a little further down the beach. They proved to be very approachable and I crawled to within 5 yards of the group of 41 Dunlin, 4 Sanderling and a lone Ringed Plover. The only trouble this time that they were so settled that they were reluctant to take their heads out of their wings for a photo. On the far end of the beach there were also 12 Turnstone.
Onto Angle Harbour where there were 12 or so Dunlin, 8 Turnstone, 3 Redshank, a Little Egret, 3 Med Gulls and the Black-tailed Godwit pictured, still in much of it's summer plumage.
Last stop Freshwater West - 31 Ringed Plover, 1 Sanderling and a mix of 14 Pied and White Wagtails - the majority Whites.