Thursday, 9 August 2012
Manxie Magic
A Sea Trust Cetacean survey on the Fishguard/Rosslare ferry over the last couple of days provided some birding treats. Conditions were calm on the outward leg yesterday and there were rafts of Manx Shearwaters, Razorbills and Guillemots all the way across. Several intense feeding frenzies involving Manxies and Kittiwakes indicated that there were plenty of smallfry near the surface. Nearing Tusker Rock on the Irish side an Arctic Skua passed by and headed off in the direction of some feeding Sandwich Terns. Rosslare bay was alive with birds - Manxies, Auks, Kittiwakes, Common & Sandwich Terns and Gannets - many of them again in tight feeding flocks. Another Arctic Skua was marauding around the Terns.
This morning Rosslare harbour held 8 Black Guillemots and the views of the Manx Shearwaters, which were again seen in large numbers, was magical with near perfect reflections on the shimmering surface of the glassy sea. Very few Gannets were seen on this leg of the survey but there were large numbers of Auks including a couple of Pufflings.
See the Whales in Wales blog for info on the Cetaceans seen.