Monday 22 October 2012

A Coal Tit

I didn't see Byron's Snow B on the Head this morning but there was a Coal Tit. A close look revealed a dullish olive-green back and mantle warm buff tones on flanks and a creamy yellow suffusion most noticeable in the cheeks. Birds showing these characteristics arrived on St Agnes in the Scilly Isles on October 10th following north-westerly winds. There were at least 20 on St Agnes where they are far, far rarer than the Grey-cheeked Thrush which was present three days before, in fact the last record anywhere in Scilly was 2008. They caused quite a stir and lots of speculation about their provenance since the yellow suffusion in the cheeks is indicative of the Irish race 'hibernicus' (check The 'Collins Guide' or 'Svensson'). So to find a similar bird on a North Pembrokeshire headland today is perhaps predictable but nevertheless quite exciting.
Also today and yesterday some vis mig lite, mainly Chaffinches and Skylarks with a few Redwings and Greenfinches. Best things (excluding the Coal Tit) a couple of Chiffchaffs, Brambling and Woodcock.