Monday, 15 October 2012

Dale & St Brides

News from yesterday morning at St Brides- The woodland at the castle was alive with Chaffinches, meanwhile around the church Goldcrests & Blue Tits were the dominant species, a group of 58 Blue Tits were counted streaming across the car park toward the coastal cottages leaving many more behind around the scout camp. A few Siskins were heard going over.

While today on Dale Airfield 2 possibly 3 Lapland Buntings on the grassland west of the pond. At the Gann the Whooper seems settled with its 2 Mute friends also 1 Ad Med Gull, 1 Kingfisher.  Greenshank & Water Rail heard. Not a small wader to be seen.

Also the first Redwings of the autumn with 4 over my house this morning.