Sunday 7 October 2012

Hooded Crow

Highlight of a day out with Paul G was a fine Hooded Crow at Kete this afternoon, in the grassy field next to the NT car park, showing well.  Only my third in Pembs in 24 years!  As yesterday a good easterly movement of Swallows and to a lesser extent House Martins, also Chiffchaffs in several locations and a distinctive Willow Warbler at St. Bride's was presumably of a more northerly/easterly origin.  Some careful checking of the large gulls at the Gann revealed a classic 1st winter Yellow-legged Gull.

There was a Yellow-browed Warbler at Porthclais this morning (Jon B).

Finally, a late post from yesterday, a Firecrest by the castle in Dale and a Red Kite overhead.