Saturday 27 October 2012

Minwear and St Govan's

The Starling roost at Minwear Lookout was rather disappointing this evening. Plenty of birds - probably in excess of 10,0000 - but they came in pretty late and, with a single Buzzard the only raptor present, they kept low over the reedbed and settled fairly quickly. So no spectacular displays. Whilst waiting a flock of c.70 Greylags passed over heading Northeast, presumably the same birds which have been reported in the area over recent weeks. On the river 9 Little Grebes and a single Kingfisher.

This morning at St Govan's a Dartford Warbler near to the car park got me off to a good start but otherwise it was pretty quiet with a single Fieldfare and 4 Stonechats the only birds of note.