Thursday 25 October 2012

St David's - Black Redstart

Highlights of a look around St David's with Mike YP -
The Scaup was still on Penberi pool to start the day. It soon became apparent that with the change to cooler, windier weather, the number of migrants on the ground was down on recent days. There were plenty of Chaffinches moving, at least 700, with 4 or more Brambling. A few Redwing, around 60 Siskin and a single Skylark passed over too.
There was a single Wheatear on the way up to to the head, 2 Ring Ouzels in Porth Melgan valley and a Black Redstart in the trees behind the Youth Hostel.
Porthclais was quiet but the interesting pale Chiff that Mike saw yesterday was seen briefly.