Wednesday 24 October 2012

St Davids

Vis mig included about 180 Chaffinches; 30 Greenfinches, a few Skylarks, Reed Buntings and Snipe with good numbers of Thrushes, especially Blackbirds, present. Highlights were an early morning Yellow-browed Warbler along The Cabin Track from the ex hotel to Whitesands Bay (in the willows just before the coastpath joins the track). Then there were two Ring Ouzels together in Porthmelgan Valley, 1st yrs male and female but no sign of yesterday's Yellow-browed in The Withies. At Porthclais there were two Firecrests and possibly a third, however my attention was drawn to a strikingly pale Chiffchaff which, on examination, must have been 'abietinus' (the way 'tristis' was supposed to look last year). Stunning bird, especially when seen near a richly coloured 'collybita'.