Sunday 18 November 2012

Castlemartin Corse

A good day on the Corse today, good number of Birds as follows:-
Black tailed Godwits x 14,  Golden Plover 320+, Curlew 160+, Snipe 150+, Mallard 45+, Teal x 86, Lapwing 600+, Shoveller x 8, Moorhen x 18, Coot x 7, Wigeon x 6, Redshank x 2. On Fresh West beach 3 Grey Plover, Magpie 38 en masse, (is this a parliament)? Rooks 40+, Raven x 2, Jackdaw 100+, Crow x 6, Chaffinch 800+, with a few Brambling. Kestrel x 1, Merlin x 1, Buzzard x 3,Wood Pigeon 23+, Dunnock x 2, Wren x 1, Bullfinch x 4, Meadow Pipits 70+, Linnets 300+, Stonechat x 4, Pied Wagtail x 1,
Starlings 1000+, Black headed Gulls 23+, Herring Gulls 22+, Song Thrush x 4, Blackbird x 9, Skylark x 4, Pheasant x 5, Reed Bunting x 3 and 1 House Sparrow.
Great birding with my friend John Best.