Friday 23 November 2012

Goodwick Moor

Beautiful light on Goodwick Moor this morning.  Seems to be more birds around after the gale, or at least they are more visible now.

Best one was a Firecrest - back of the gorse adjacent the rugby field path (near 2 x stonechats and 4-5 Meadow Pipits).  Several Goldcrests too amongst trees at west and east side of reeds.  Of the more usual species, many Blue Tits and Blackbirds (~50 I'd guess).  Long-tailed tits in small groups (12-20 birds?).  Conservative guess at 3 x water rail (2 x west side reeds and 1 x close to footpath on east side).  Cetti's Warbler - at least 2 singers.  Little Grebe - 1 x opposite the flagpoles near Moorhens.  Two GS Woodpeckers flew over the reeds too.  And a nice bullfinch calling below the pub.

If you're listening - a big 'thank you' to those who manage the reedbeds and maintain the board walk!