Monday 31 December 2012


Quick run out this afternoon starting at Goultrop with 6 razorbill, c10 RT divers, 1 GN Diver and c50 scoter. Briefest of looks from pull-in at Gann - 5 Brent. Up at the Airfield - managed 7 mediterraneans amongst a flock of BH and Commons before they repositioned themselves. 100+ Chaffinch in the ploughed field by first gate. What looked like a small huddle of max 50 lapwings was flushed to reveal c250. The marauding male sparrowhawk responsible also putting up large flock of small birds (inc 100s of skylark, chaffinch, linnet and goldfinch) from the dense kale(?) field by the next gate way. Worked my way through the 25 pipits on the flooded runway, all Meadows. There was a larger quieter one which was keeping a little separate from the others but fairly sure it was a meadow as well. 6 ravens displaying. Made a brief stop at Marloes in the vague hope of dropping straight on the Ring-necked duck, just the tufties and scaup, with a distant silhouetted diving duck/grebe in the middle of the north pond - Derek apologies if that was you I spoke to in car park I had to rush to meet my daughter and I was already late!.