Sunday 2 December 2012

Gupton Farm - Farmland bird survey

A farmland bird survey at Gupton Farm on Friday found more than 5700 birds using the fields, with 38 species recorded and notable counts of 43 Blackbird, 1006 Chaffinch, 72 Greenfinch, 456 Golden Plover, 1003 Lapwing, 557 Linnet, 101 Meadow Pipit, 375 Skylarks and 42 Song Thrush.  Cetti's Warbler and Chough were among the less common species recorded.   Thanks to Richard Ellis, Annie and Bob Haycock for their help carrying out the survey.
Elsewhere, good numbers of Guillemots were still on the main stack at Stack Rocks today, with many more auks sat on the sea.  Also, good to see several pairs of Raven displaying along the coast.