Saturday 22 December 2012

Surf Scoter - Broad Haven

Having had my plans to check the western part of Carmarthen Bay for seaducks scuppered due to the grim weather, after some housework, Christmas shopping and lunch, I decided I had to get some fresh air this afternoon.  I decided to head west from Haverfordwest to Hasguard, checking wet fields for gulls etc, and then head north along St. Bride's Bay to Newgale.

Lots of gulls on Haverfordwest Racecourse, but couldn't find a Med Gull amongst them.  At Goultrop Roads a Great Northern Diver, 14 Red-throated Divers, 2 Razorbill and 7 Common Scoter.

On to Broad Haven where the sea was rough and the wind and rain lively.  Pulled the car up just beyond the Ocean Cafe Bar, and scanned the sea from the car with the 'bins - almost immediately picked up a duck quite close in, just beyond the surf, alone and giving a good impression of a female/immature Eider.  Got out of the car and set the scope up in the most sheltered spot I could find (in the lee of the Christmas Tree!) and was slightly puzzled when a brief view of the bird cresting a wave showed a pale face patch - female Common Scoter?  Then a slightly better view when the double face patch and Eider like profile came together - a female/immature Surf Scoter!  Got a few more good scope views to be 100% sure, and then phoned village resident Stuart Devonald who was quickly on the scene, and text out a larger group of local birders.

Following a chat with Derek G, it seems very likely that this is the 'Velvet Scoter' that he saw close inshore yesterday.  Hopefully the wind will calm down and better views will be had - given that it seems keen to ride the waves, a high tide should provide the best views.  I would guess that it is a first-winter female based on today's views, though I would like better views to be sure.

ps - late yesterday afternoon had 6 Med Gulls on Dale Airfield - 5 adults (1 with white ring) and a 2nd winter (green ring), and another 7 adults in the roost in Dale Roads.