Wednesday 12 December 2012

Year's End at Pencarnan

On our final day, this year here at Pencarnan, we were pleased to add three species to our annual lists. A Ringtail Hen Harrier flew past the caravan window during the "breakfast" watch. Midday, a Redhead Merganser overflew the campsite, and as dusk fell we scoped a Great Northern Diver in Whitesands Bay.

During our eighth year here at Pencarnan Caravan Site, we added  six species to the "window list".....Grey Wagtail, Sabine's Gull, Spotted Flycatcher, Long-tailed Tit and Ortolan Bunting.

And to the Bush list? Spotted Flycatcher, Long-tailed Tit, Cuckoo, Ortolan Bunting, Buzzard, and during an October downpour - 3 Swallows. All in all, a good year's birding. You better believe it! If not, your your in the wrong place! Merry Christmas to all and hopefully we'll bump into you next year. Cheers JB and M