Sunday 19 May 2013

Dale area

Airfield: quiet birdwise, pair moorhen on pond. Marloes Mere: Glossy flew around and dropped by gate at 4pm, 3 swifts, lots of whitethroat, cormorant dropped in, pair shelduck flew up and headed westward, 4 wheatear on the walk over to Martins Haven, pair Mallard in ditch, 5 chough, really tearing up the ground and seemed to be finding plenty to eat in the rough pasture, male stonechat carrying food, sky full of skylark song today. Dave put me onto the waders at the Gann: mixed flock of 86 small waders comprised of 2 Sanderling and 24 Ringed plover the rest dunlin. Redshank and the Barwit on shore with 5 whimbrel and the 2 Brent.