Sunday 26 May 2013

Gone cuckoo...

Up so early I had to scrape the ice off the windscreen. Headed-up to Pantamenog while it was quiet. Cuckoo(s) very active. I've done a little map to indicate the positions (arrows indicate a bird moving position). Only once had two in earshot at same time, but I suspect there were 3 males. The most showy one was at the top end moving between the remaining freestanding conifers where it gave its gawky call as it was pestered by pipits. Otherwise a few tree pipits, 3 wheatear (m), lots of whitethroats and redpolls, and 6 Grasshopper warblers churring away. Circuit of Ty Rhyg, no Spotted Flys yet that I could see, but cuckoo calling here as well.