Monday 27 May 2013


Lisa and I spent the day on Grassholm yesterday doing gannet productivity work. While we were there we censused certain species that were due:

Herring gull - 14 pairs (27 pairs in 2007)
LBB gull - 7 pairs (27 pairs in 2007)
GBB gull - 10 pairs (11 in 2007)
Shag - 15 AON (22 in 2007)

Other breeders were rock pipit (5 pairs), oystercatcher (6 pairs), raven (1 pair with 2 fledged young), peregrine (1 pair) and storm petrel (present but not censused - strong smell from a few known breeding sites - over the past few years we have identified a minimum of 5 sites)

In 2012 we counted auks and kittiwakes - guillemot 1849 individuals (1094 in 2007), razorbill 53 individuals (32 in 2007) and kittiwake 23 AON (19 in 2007).

Gulls were looking a bit late this year or just not bothering, lots of birds standing around doing nothing. Kittiwakes will be down this year, not many birds present and very few nests built yet.

Other birds present were black redstart (female / juv), male wheatear, collared dove, turnstone (4) and swallow (12)