Tuesday, 8 October 2013

More late news and some Chough observations

At Tenby Golf Course on Saturday (5th October) a yellow wagtail and two chough.

The Chough have been extremely visible on the golf course in the last month feeding, often with other corvids, on the leatherjackets on the fairways.  In the early part of the month they seemed to be everywhere you looked in small groups of two to five birds but peaking at a flock of eleven which potentially meant there were eighteen birds feeding there. 

I have played golf at Tenby for 54 years (Yes I know its sad!) and have never seen Chough on the course before, at least I cannot recall doing so, so this event is worthwhile noting.  It has not been unusual for Carrion Crows and Rooks to be seen feeding there in the autumn but to see such large numbers of Chough there has been very nice indeed.

Yesterday (8th October) there was a decent fall of Chaffinch into Winterton valley just after dawn - the first real arrival of the autumn?